Google Ads bans: what are they and how to solve them?
Nomad 25/06/2024
Google Ads is considered one of the best sources of traffic, because with its help you can attract a large target audience. There are many rules in Google Ads, for violation of which you can get your ad account banned, and sometimes users get banned undeservedly. In this article, we will talk about the types of bans in Google Ads and how you can remove them.

Types of bans in Google Ads
There are four main types of bans in Google Ads that webmasters can get when running ad campaigns:
- Ban for suspicious transactions;
- Ban for late payments;
- Ban for bypassing the system;
- Ban for misrepresentation.
You can read more about all types of bans and their causes in this fact sheet. Let’s consider each type of ban separately.

Ban for suspicious transactions
This type of ban can be received for using unreliable and unregistered payment systems, depositing too large amounts into your personal account, using blocked or oversold bank cards, linking cards with GEO different from the GEO of your account. Less often such a ban can be obtained for poor proxy and antidetect-browser settings. This type of ban is considered the most frequent for all Google Ads users — both webmasters and private companies.
To avoid getting this ban, it is enough to use verified payment systems and new bank cards. It is also worthwhile to replenish accounts with small amounts, and set up tools for changing IP addresses more qualitatively. Even if you get such a ban, you can always appeal — in 75%-85% of cases your account will be unblocked.
Ban for overdue payments
The ban for late payment is given for insufficient funds on the account of the advertising cabinet, lack of funds on the card for automatic debiting, blocking of the card linked to the advertising cabinet. Sometimes such a ban is charged in case of technical errors in the Google system itself or in the system of the bank where your card was issued.
In order not to get this ban, it is enough to monitor the balance on your account and the linked card. You can also link another card with a positive balance, if the previous card is blocked. If the ban was received as a result of technical problems, you can file an appeal — in all likelihood, the ban on your account will be lifted.
Ban for bypassing the system
One of the most common bans among webmasters. It can be received for cloaking and other gray schemes, linking an account with another blocked advertising cabinet, using the same domains, white pages of poor quality, hosting problems, promotion of prohibited topics, receiving a large number of complaints about advertising.
In order not to get banned for bypassing the system, it is best not to take risks and do not use gray schemes when promoting offers. It is also important that the accounts did not have common features, white pages were qualitatively elaborated, domains and hosting are carefully selected. The only way to get out of such a ban is to appeal. However, the chance of removing the ban is extremely unlikely, because the ban for bypassing the system is considered the most dangerous, as it is charged for an attempt to bypass Google’s algorithms. You can consider accounts with such a ban to be lost forever.
Ban for misrepresentation
This ban is also common among webmasters promoting gray offers. It can be obtained for misrepresentation of facts about the promoted products in order to deceive the buyer, fake brand products. Such bans are not uncommon among webmasters who pour traffic in the gut sphere.
To avoid the ban, it is enough to improve creatives, use more truthful information about the product and services, carefully monitor keywords and make quality white pages. The only way out if you have already received such a ban is to appeal.

As it turns out, you can get banned from Google Ads for various reasons, some of which are solved by filing an appeal. Even if your appeal was not considered, you should wait 1-2 days and then file a new one. If after three appeals the ad account has still not been unlocked, the account is permanently lost. Do not use gray schemes to promote offers, as well as monitor the account balance and settings of auxiliary tools and then you can comfortably engage in the direction of traffic without the risk of being banned. If you want to learn more about how to effectively utilize Google Ads in your advertising campaigns, we have a detailed guide on the subject.

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